Do You Use ADD Prescription Drugs to Help You Get Through Schoolwork? (College Students)?

Question by x1day_dreamer6x: Do you use ADD prescription drugs to help you get through schoolwork? (College Students)?
Do you use ADD prescription drugs to help you get through schoolwork? (College Students)?

If Yes, why?
If No, then what do you use?

Thank you very much for your feedback, I’m writing a piece on this topic for my school newspaper.

Best answer:

Answer by paintballer6575
Not in college, but a few of my friends (in highschool) getADD meds to help them.

Answer by achaminadefriend
I am a student at the University of Southern California and no, I do not use ADD prescription drugs to help me get through my schoolwork. While the temptation to use ritalin(sp?) or adderal(sp?) to help one stay up through the night, or consecutive nights, may be present, I am wary of consuming drugs that could have potentially disasterous effects longterm.

Nevertheless, am I afraid to consume other products such as caffiene? Not at all. While recent studies have shown that excessive use of coffee can lead to pulmonary (heart) complications, I, in moderation, use coffee, tea, or even soda to give me a caffiene/sugar rush to get through whatever it is that I need to get through.

Of course, starting early on work avoids having to stay up into the night working on last minute essays or studying for next morning exams.

However, is the use of ritalin(sp?) or adderal(sp?) taboo? Not at the very least. I’ve heard that a person can stay awake for an entire night on a single adderal pill. And the pills themselves can easily be purchased for the price of about a dollar a pill, depending on how well you know the seller. It’s out there and it’s in common use.

So what happens to me as a result? Sure sometimes I get really sleepy during class, or alltogether just skip class for an extra hour of sleep, but is the price of a clean system worth falling behind? I don’t really know. However, I’m pretty sure that a student hyped up on adderal will not only finish their work, but be the first to step foot into their 8am lecture and even more, stay awake and take notes during the entire period.

You also have to consider the ramifications of using ritalin or adderal. Ultimately they are undeniably drugs. As drugs, and like most drugs, there is a potential for addiction. I’ve got friends, who will go unnamed, that after highschool, became pot dealers. All of them are more than willing to offer me a personal bag of marijuana free of charge. Why? Simply because if I like what I see (or smoke if you’re going to get technical, or get addicted if we really get down and dirty with the main point), I will return to them for more weed, but this time around, it’s going to cost me. Similarily, I’ve got friends here at USC who are more than willing to spot me a few adderal pills free of charge so that I can become “exposed” to the product. Nevertheless, I continue to be a non-user.

EDIT: Oh wait, were you asking about people who use ADD medication to stay up late nights to work or study or those who use ADD medication because they actually have ADD?

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