Is There Any Kind of Rehab Type Place for People That Are Not Addicts?

Question by ***~***: Is there any kind of rehab type place for people that are not addicts?
Like a mental health facility that someone could go for a week or so that would consist of intensive therapy, like a drug/alcohol rehab would? For people on the verge of a breakdown or something?
Oh, and this is just a question, it’s not me I’m talking about.

Best answer:

Answer by Johnny Decca
If you really feel on the verge of a mental health crisis, see if your area has a women’s mental health crisis centre. You can usually refer yourself, although they will want to be able to contact your GP.

Answer by Hopefully Helpful
If you are feeling badly enough, you could go inpatient into a psych. unit or hospital. They will keep you busy each day with groups and you would meet with your team which consists of a social worker and your psychiatrist. The main emphasis would be getting you stable so you can be discharged.
There are also day treatment programs that you might find helpful. A local mental health clinic would know what programs are in your area. Good Luck.

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