Should All Drugs Be Legalized?

Question by Ace: Should all drugs be legalized?
A lot of violence associated with drugs arises simply from the unavailability of the usual dispute resolution mechanisms in the drug business due to prohibition – which is the way the prohibitionists and the more brutal dealers want it.
The violence arises because there is great profit to be made – profit which is possible ONLY because of prohibition.
The policy clearly increases the level of violence in society, predictably causing a call for yet more cops, yet more prisons, ever-harsher sentences and fewer legal rights for the accused.
It’s a policy that deeply estranges communities from the forces whose job os to protect people, not harass and punish people.
It’s a vicious policy supported by the mob and the cops, only by those who profit from it, and those ignorant of the state of play on the streets.
Nobody else.
In 2009 ignorance is no longer an excuse.
Leagalize regulate tax and GENTLY discourage.

Maybe legalization of all drugs used “recreationally” by Americans, and the social control of drug use by means other than armed force and the attendant deprivation of the citizen’s job/liberty/money/family may be better, eh?

Incumbent politicians may also benefit from harsh drug laws.

A person taking illegal drugs is more likely to vote for legislative change than a person who only uses legal drugs. Therefore, depriving persons caught with contraband of their voting rights helps keep sitting legislators in power.

Or at least, that’s what a local politician once told me. He also said that it’s easy to defeat a political opponent in favor of drug legalization, you just dig up some horrific news story of a crime committed by a drug user.

Another vicious cycle!

Seems like Mexico and Latin America in general needs to legalize more than the US does:


Note the part about Latin American leaders not being able to afford the “War on Drugs” and asking that the US consider decriminalizing or legalizing drug use.
Typical of the Wall Street journal, that info is buried down about three paragraphs from the end.
It should also perhaps be noted that President Calderon of Mexico, who vastly escalated the violence of this “war” by sending in the Mexican Army (a future model for the USA in this regard?) took power in a close and disputed election – and that his escalation of violence against “drug lords” has made US Drug Officials “ecstatic”.

Treat substance abuse as a medical condition; decimate organized crime. We would have large funds freed from law enforcement and incarceration that could be redirected to health. It’s that simple.

Same for gambling, but NOT for prostitution.

Best answer:

Answer by Hooker Stabber
Yes. Legalizing drugs would lower the price, because they’d be more available. Anyone with a sixth grade education understands that when supply goes up, the price is lowered. Drug addicts could get drugs more easily, and they wouldn’t go stabbing people for money or robbing stores.

Answer by Big Government is Criminal
If we legalized drugs the democratic party would be non-existant after 2 years.

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