What Happened to Demi Lovato? Is She Ok?

Question by M&M girl: What happened to Demi Lovato? is she ok?
Sooo i have been hearing that Demi Lovato has been doing drugs like cocaine and was sent to rehab is this true or what?

Best answer:

Answer by 4Eyed Hippie
I’m not sure about the drug part but Demi Lovato has an eating disorder and has been cutting, now she’s in a treatment center. What happened was that you know how Joe Jonas has been dating Ashley Greene? Well he brought her on the tour. Demi Lovato really loved Joe and wanted him back. She started getting flirty and stuff but Joe wouldn’t buy it. Then she went into these big tantrums. Then she started partying while on tour. Well one party got wild, and she didn’t want the adults finding out. One of her backup dancers-Alex was there as well. One of the parents found out. Demi thought that Alex had snitched. So while they were flying to the next country on tour, Demi punched Alex in the face. Demi said that she just “lost it”. Anyways, she got taken off the plane and got put in a treatment center in Illinois. All we can do is pray for her.

Answer by EmoGirl143
The drug thing hasnt been confirmed but she is in a treatement center in IL supposedly for emotional breakdowns, cutting, and anorexia. It is also said that she possibly puched Alex Welsch on tour. But i hope she gets better soon!!!!

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