What Is the Difference Between Traumatized People and Non-Traumatized People?

Question by dark_one215: What is the difference between traumatized people and non-traumatized people?
I need help. I am in the 8 Grade and i am doing a scirnce project. ANy help with news on traumatized people and their actions?

Best answer:

Answer by ricki c
i want to let you know i am a trauma survivor,as a result of having a very traumatic childhood it has cause me to have mental health problems,which sometimes intefere with my daily living.i see the world different as a result.i suffer PTSD,which causes me to have flashbacks,taking me back to a very horrific event in my past.i have nightmares,and also startle easy,when i hear sudden noises,which if people do not understand will think it’s my nerves.i also have DID as well,since the trauma was very extreme when i was very young my mind begin splitting and another part would take over to deal with the trauma.These two illnesses are hard to live with,but i have some supportive people in my life which don’t judge me,they know it isn’t my fault.A person who never experienced trauma views life in a different way,they see it as non threatening as they never went through any type of trauma.

Answer by cella
A traumatized person is somebody who has been through a very traumatic experience. Things like child abuse, rape,domestic violence or things like 9/11, earthquakes and floods. They relive these experiences and have other symptoms such as depression, anxiety, fear of being around other people, and view things differently the most people. They also have trust issues. They can start hearing voices, drug addiction, eating disorders and self harm. They feel they are not worthy.

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