Why Does Some News Sites Claim Salvia Divinorum Is Synthetic Marijuana?

Question by Dwayne: Why does some news sites claim Salvia Divinorum is synthetic marijuana?
When I look up news articles about salvia, most of the time they say “Salvia Divinorum is synthetic marijuana” and nothing else about the plant itself. I have a theory that tobacco companies and/or the government are trying to make salvia illegal because it will hurt tobacco sales (which the government gets allot of money from due to high taxes on tobacco). Salvia can cause people to break addictions from several drugs and maybe even tobacco. This could be the reason or the are just being ignorant.

Best answer:

Answer by Snark Tut
You have to be under the influence of salvia if you truly think that there’s a conspiracy to outlaw salvia because it represents a threat to tobacco. Really? You see people casually buying salvia at the corner store and smoking it on their drive home?

Answer by bcnu
They are just being ignorant.

Salvia divinorum is a botanical species native to parts of Mexico and has been used for hundreds of years. How on earth could someone think (or at least report) that it’s “synthetic” anything?

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