Do You Like the Obama Administration’s Plan to Keep Track of How Many Miles You Drive in Order to Tax You?

Question by Yak Rider: Do you like the Obama administration’s plan to keep track of how many miles you drive in order to tax you?,0,6754105,print.story

WASHINGTON (AP) — Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood says he wants to consider taxing motorists based on how many miles they drive rather than how much gasoline they burn — an idea that has angered drivers in some states where it has been proposed….

….A tentative plan in Massachusetts to use GPS chips in vehicles to charge motorists by the mile has drawn complaints from drivers who say it’s an Orwellian intrusion by government into the lives of citizens. Other motorists say it eliminates an incentive to drive more fuel-efficient cars since gas guzzlers will be taxed at the same rate as fuel sippers.
Somebody chimes in…. “Where in this arcticle does it say that Obama himself supports this plan?”

Do you honestly believe Obama’s Secretary of Transportation would float this trial balloon if it didn’t have the administration’s backing? Do you believe Cabinet Secretaries just freelance?
I just love the “public transportation, walk, bike” suggestions. As if we all live in the projects 8 blocks from work.

Pull out of map of the United States sometime.

Best answer:

Answer by Will S
Yeah, they are talking about almost a NICKEL a MILE! And they will know where you are at ALL times and where you have been.. etc.

Also, they are going to force all your visits to all doctor’s offices to be uploaded to THEIR computer system…

Big Brother is here people! Wake up…


Answer by PhoSho™
that will never pass

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19 Responses to Do You Like the Obama Administration’s Plan to Keep Track of How Many Miles You Drive in Order to Tax You?

  • Bob Loblaw says:

    It will provide incentive for you to make use of public transit and walking/biking. Ever look at it like that?

    **The bigger idea is to invest in infrastructure which will provide new systems of transportation so that you don’t have to live within 8 blocks to use public transportation to get to work. Think about it–a significant amount of people live in the suburbs of cities like New York or Philadelphia and they are able to take trains and buses into the city. Other cities should start investing in this type of transportation infrastructure. Creating jobs is a problem now, right? Doesn’t this sound like a good new industry to invest in?

    People that are shortsighted and not willing to think outside the box (like yourself) are a big holdup in this process. We need to invest in new industries to revive the economy–that’s pretty much the only way to get it going again. Relying solely on consumers to buy stupid products (ones that are manufactured outside of the US anyway) is not sustainable.

  • celexa says:

    Good god, the people that voted for him don’t even own a car.

  • Phil M says:

    I think its a poor idea and I doubt it gains any traction.

  • peppa says:

    my answer can found in Gods Word Jeremiah 10:23&24

  • fred says:

    i’ll pull my old mountain bike out of storage. i can use some exercise after the long winter.

  • sugaree says:

    if you drive a car, i’ll tax the street,
    if you try to sit, i’ll tax your seat.
    if you get too cold i’ll tax the heat,
    if you take a walk, i’ll tax your feet.

  • Agent Smith says:

    He’s needs every penny and more.

    Soon we will have another 100,000,000 “new” Americans from Africa, Asia and the Middle East to feed, cloth, educate and shelter.

    It will take a lot of money.

    Not to mention state subsidies for the new mega-Mosques now in the planning stages.

    We must roll-out the red carpet for our new brothers.

    This is bigger than mere change.

    This is a culture-shift to a new world.

  • oprah-lookalike R says:

    I’ll just break my odometer–f–king criminal obama should be lockedup!

  • Brooke22365 says:

    When are people going to wake up and take a stand against this kind of intrusion into our lives? They pushed for more fuel efficient vehicles, and now they realized how much tax revenue they’re losing, so they now want this. I don’t recognize this country anymore. The power grab has only just begun. We need a revolution!

  • suigeneris-impetus says:

    I don’t think this is a good idea for thee reasons. One, truckers who transport our good have to go long distances and the added cost would break them. They are already not doing very well with the increase in the cost of gas. They would most likely pass the cost on the the consumer who would buy less, thus furthering the economic crisis.
    Second, it would not reward people who are buying alternative energy cars.
    Third, I don’t think it should be legal for government to put anything in anyone’s property. People should have full legal rights to the things that they own. Next they would be tracking people.
    I don’t believe in property taxes either, which harms the peoples right to life and liberty.


    I can’t see this passing. However with the dummies we have at the control panel anything is possible. On the downside, that will probably mean gas taxes will rise to try to cover the gap.

  • Nicholas J says:

    I’m willing to picket against it. That’s truly a despicable idea.

    Although it might have some merit if used only in the context of commercial freighting…

    Word of advise – if you didn’t have to make everything into a partisan issue and chance to bash Obama – you could discover a lot more constructive dialogue. The way you phrase this question begs for people to bring up Republican privacy invasions. (see wiretapping).

  • Cat - astrophe says:

    No. I don’t see why they just don’t cut through this charade and implant us all with GPS and information chips. Get it over with! That’s where they’re headed anyway. Why not just come out with it and say he’s going to integrate us into a global government where we will all be monitored and controlled. Why keep up this deception about hope and change. It’s all lies anyway, just get on with it so that we can hide!

  • Heidi 4 says:

    I detest all this administrations oppressive laws infringing on the people carrying the load and then taxing them to support the free-loaders. However, he needs those free-loading votes although most of them have no idea what is going on in the Country or even who their local mayor is.

    He sees them as schmucks and I guess they are but it is beneficial to liberal politicians.

  • Bran E says:

    Where in this arcticle does it say that Obama himself supports this plan?

  • Big Jon says:

    Yeah … and soon they will control where you can go in your car, how long each day you are permitted to operate your vehicle, your exact location while you are in your vehicle, all sorts of interesting data which the government has NO business recording.

    And do you think that just because LaHood says he wants to tax motorists on how many miles they drive instead of how much gasoline they burn, that the gas tax is going to go away or NOT be increased eventually? HA!

    This is just another aspect of the “change” that OBIMBO is wreaking on our country. Are all you OBIMBOMANICS happy with the direction that his “changes” are taking? Do you still have “hope” that he will be able to ease your imagined sufferings? Your “victim” status?

    Quit drinking the kool-aid and get your heads out of your rectums and watch your money become worthless as our economy tanks!! All brought about NOT by George Bush, but beginning way back in the days of “Peanuts” Carter and magnified through the years by the Dimmocrat leadership.

  • CHARLES H says:



  • ladydye_5 says:

    no i dont like it,,,,my husband drives 40 miles ONE WAY to work. he wouldnt be able to afford to DRIVE to work to pay the tax. do NOT see how this would help anything. are they going to tax the miles a school bus drives? how much will the cost of food go up because the truck drivers are being taxed by the mile. what about police cars that drive around 24/7 are they being taxed PER mile? Snow plow trucks,,again are they paying PER MILE ,,,just plain crazy,,that plan would NOT work.

  • Max50 says:

    Yep the Democrats are wrapping up to be the tax the hell out of people party.
    OR with their 1900% beer tax.

    I can see they don’t want to be around come 2010.

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