Why Do We Live in a Prescription Drug Culture?

Question by jash: Why do we live in a prescription drug culture?
We have been waging a “war on drugs” since the 1980s on users and dealers of weed, coke, heroin, etc., yet at the same time prescription drug use in this country has skyrocketed. Antidepressant use has doubled from a decade ago. Parents are so eager to place their children on ADD/ADHD medication when long-term effects of these drugs have not been fully determined. Painkillers have made addicts out of millions. My point is that we seem to be using more big pharma drugs than ever even as we demonize drugs like weed.

Are we really winning a war on drugs or have we started a whole new epidemic of prescription drug abuse?

Best answer:

Answer by lunatic
Prescription drugs are an obscenely profitable business. Republicans don’t want the government to manage or try to reduce our national addiction to these drugs because they receive campaign funds and promises of lucrative jobs from those companies.

Bottom line. America is addicted to prescription drugs because a select few are realizing the “American Dream” of becoming wealthy at the expense of the many.

Answer by Nurop Shnup
The War on Drugs was such a bad idea. Rather than help those people, they are thrown in our over crowded jails, and rapists and thieves get out early. Plus, the War hasn’t done anything to reduce drug use. It’s just wasted billions of dollars. (thanks Nancy Reagan)

We don’t have Health Care, we have Sick Care. Obama wants to change that and stop allowing insurance companies from ripping off millions of people of billions of dollars every year. Put the money towards Health Care! Lying idiots like Rush Limbaugh claim he’s being a socialist, but that isn’t true at all. The US is the only Western Country without a socialized health care system, and again it is not Socialism.

The Prescription Drug craze is driven by the Big Corporations who’s goal is making money, not helping people. They are legal drug dealers.
It is crazy how many pills people eat every day. If you’re nervous, don’t drink too much coffee, you don’t need a pill. If you’re sad because you lost a loved one, you’re human, you don’t need an anti depressant. If your kids are hyper, buy them a bike not another video game.
There is no winning the war on drugs.
Stop the fighting. Chill out and kick back.

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